Loss & Bereavement Therapy

Having worked in the funeral sector for several years, I found myself gravitating towards supporting grieving families with more complex or complicated grieving processes (e.g. loss of a child, or death by suicide). But loss is loss, and pain is pain, and even if the death of a beloved is expected, and we have time to prepare, it can still feel as if our world has been shattered.

I have also buried my closest family and friends, and so know first-hand the incredible challenges this renders, and also the work involved that returns you to place of peace, acceptance, and even new purpose.

Loss and Bereavement Therapy is for you if you …

  • have lost or are losing a beloved.
  • are struggling to come to terms with a divorce or separation.
  • have lost your home or job, or a major life changing opportunity.
  • Have ‘broken-up’ with your best friend, or have left a friendship group /collegial team.
  • Have lost a dear pet.


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