Leadership & Success Mindset

Through much success and failure I quickly grew into senior management and leadership roles in the UK in my 20s, from Local Government to Central Government departments (including what was then called The Lord Chancellor’s Department).

It became clear that my strengths and passions lay in developing others, hence my deep dive into the world of psychology and professional coaching for the decades that followed, leading to the founding of training institutes in both the UK and Austria.

Over the past decade I have coached and mentored senior management and diplomats in the multinational organisations, particularly the United Nations and The World Bank, as well as leaders and business owners in the private sector all around the world.

Having worked across the public and private sectors, at national and international level, I have encountered (personally or through my clients) most of the challenges a leader can face.

  • Are burnout, lost, or stressed in your leadership role.
  • Feel discontented or plateaued in your career.
  • Keep encountering ‘glass ceilings’ or psychological blocks in your leadership journey.
  • Struggle with imposter syndrome.
  • Want to lead more authentically and from a place of purpose.
  • Wish to explore your identity as a leader or entrepreneur.
  • Are hungry for material and spiritual abundance in your life as a leader or entrepreneur.
  • Want to impact and transform the world around you.
  • Crave more autonomy, freedom or balance in your life.
  • Are neurodivergent and struggle with neuronormative professional relationships and culture.
  • Simply require leadership skills training.

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