ADHD & Autism Coaching

As a high functioning and high achieving person with an Autism neurotype, I have become an expert in supporting other neurodivergent individuals (and particularly those with ADHD and dyslexia).

Being Autistic gives me many unique advantages as a counsellor, psychotherapist and coach. I am a highly empathetic person, who enjoys empowering others. I am extremely skilled at pattern recognition and non-verbal communication as well as hyper-focused and passionate about understanding neurodivergence.

My passion helps me to continuously develop new strategies to help other neurodivergent people to be successful in their life, and embrace their ‘superpowers’ as well as support needs.

My in-depth training in Transactional Analysis psychotherapy theory and how to apply it practically as a neurodivergent person, is another strength that I attribute to my autism.

ADHD & Autism Coaching is for you if:

  • You feel like you are struggling to cope with the challenges of life, or experiencing low self esteem, and have wondered if you are an ADHDer or neurodivergent person.
  • You are tired of ‘masking’ in a neuro-normative world, and want to communicate more authentically in your relationships.
  • You know you are very talented and have many skills, but struggle to streamline them into feeling and being successful career-wise.
  • You struggle with anxiety and procrastination some of the time, and hyper-productivity and burnout at other times.
  • You want to learn more about the ADHD neurotype and/or neurodivergence, and discover which unique combination of strengths and challenges you are actually facing.
  • Want to learn how to meet and communicate your needs as a neurodivergent person and use your strengths to your advantage.
  • Want to overcome your unique barriers to reach your potential.
  • understand and support your partner or family member who is neurodivergent.

I would love to hear from you!

If you have an enquiry, or wish to book an appointment (face-to-face or online),
please push the button.

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